We offically learned the f word for our second assignment. I of course was flustured everytime the teacher would say f-stop! It took me several series of photos to finally understand the "f word"...and I'm only beginning to understand f-stop's capabilities.
So, week 2 was to utilize f-stop and shutter speed. Now the shutter speed assignment did not go so well for me, you won't be seeing those pictures this post. The f-stop assignment was to take three objects, put them behind each other, and focus on the front object. Apparently, the assignment wasn't totally clear to me because my objects were to close together. These series of pictures below, however, give you the jist of what f-stop can do. As the f-stop increases, the background becomes more clear. It really is what one prefers, as our teacher has told us, but generally when the background is more blurred the focal point goes to the front object.
I have to give props to my very good friend Mary Jensen, who designed the wine label and gave me a bottle of wine (i'm still crossing my fingers for more wine). I tried to be her agent, but she is still to much of a hippie, i luv my hippie though. This wine is made in my hometown (Richland, WA), well very close to it (Benton City, WA).
Week 2, assignment 2, camera mode A, focal length 24:
f-stop 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, and 22 (pictures correspond below).